Mining Ethereum on M1 Mac GPU

TL;DR: It’s possible to mine Ethereum on a M1 Mac GPU. Hashrate is about 2Mh/s.

Mining on a M1 Mac

I’ve had my M1 MacBook Air for a bit of time now, and I also recently started mining Ethereum. I can’t help asking myself: What’s Ethereum mining performance like on a M1 Mac?

The obvious thing to do first is to run the off-the-shelf ethminer, which gives the following error:

ethminer 0.19.0-alpha.0
Build: darwin/release/appleclang

Unrecognized platform Apple
Error: No usable mining devices found

Not good. Apparently Apple GPUs are not whitelisted in ethminer. That should be easy to fix. Relevant lines are in libethash-cl/CLMiner.cpp, and I added Apple GPUs to the whitelist, pretending it’s an Intel GPU.

Then boost won’t compile since it’s trying to compile with a -fcoalesce-templates argument, which doesn’t exist in recent clang versions. So I have to update boost to the latest version, and fix relevant asio code since ethminer was using deprecated asio APIs.

I also need to upgrade OpenSSL to the latest version to have it support darwin + arm64.

After getting everything to compile. Here’s the result:

ethminer 0.19.0-17+commit.ce52c740.dirty
Build: darwin/release/appleclang

 i 19:51:36          Configured pool
 i 19:51:36          Selected pool
 i 19:51:36          Connection remotely closed by
 i 19:51:36          Stratum mode : EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (NiceHash)
 i 19:51:36          Established connection to []
 i 19:51:36          Spinning up miners...
cl 19:51:36 cl-0     Using Device : Intel GPU 0.0 Apple M1 OpenCL 1.2  Memory : 10.67 GB (11453251584 B)
 i 19:51:36          Extranonce set to 778d
 i 19:51:36          Extranonce set to 778d
 i 19:51:36          Authorized worker [REDACTED]
 i 19:51:36          Epoch : 397 Difficulty : 10.00 Gh
 i 19:51:36          Job: c7fc5311… []
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     Generating split DAG + Light (total): 4.10 GB
 i 19:51:38          Job: 40a57756… []
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     OpenCL kernel
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     Creating DAG buffer, size: 4.10 GB, free: 6.57 GB
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     Creating light cache buffer, size: 65.62 MB
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     Loading kernels
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     Creating buffer for header.
cl 19:51:38 cl-0     Creating mining buffer
 m 19:51:41          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 i 19:51:42          Job: 077b62f6… []
 m 19:51:46          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 i 19:51:46          Job: 2835839e… []
 m 19:51:51          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 m 19:51:56          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 i 19:51:57          Job: 97f724e7… []
 m 19:52:01          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 m 19:52:06          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 m 19:52:11          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 m 19:52:16          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
 i 19:52:16          Job: 54df0504… []
 m 19:52:21          0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
cl 19:52:22 cl-0     4.10 GB of DAG data generated in 44,060 ms.
 m 19:52:26          0:00 A0 184.16 Kh - cl0 184.16
 m 19:52:31          0:00 A0 1.96 Mh - cl0 1.96
 m 19:52:36          0:01 A0 1.98 Mh - cl0 1.98
 i 19:52:39          Job: d3b1da5e… []
 m 19:52:41          0:01 A0 1.99 Mh - cl0 1.99
cl 19:52:43 cl-0     Job: 54df0504… Sol: 0x778d000001d14c71
 i 19:52:43          **Accepted 150 ms. []
 m 19:52:46          0:01 A1 1.95 Mh - cl0 1.95
 m 19:52:51          0:01 A1 2.07 Mh - cl0 2.07
 m 19:52:56          0:01 A1 2.00 Mh - cl0 2.00
 m 19:53:01          0:01 A1 1.98 Mh - cl0 1.98
 i 19:53:01          Job: ccc2b97f… []
 m 19:53:06          0:01 A1 1.97 Mh - cl0 1.97
 i 19:53:07          Job: 23919d82… []
^C i 19:53:10 main     Got interrupt ...
 i 19:53:10 main     Disconnected from []
 i 19:53:10 main     Shutting down miners...
 i 19:53:16 main     Terminated!

Code is available at

Is it worth it?

Um. Not really. At current Ethereum prices (2021-02-26), it generates $0.14 of profit per day. It’s still a profit, but very miniscule.


  1. Hey .. thanks for the post. Where you using any specific version of the CUDA drivers? Looks like they have been discontinued on MacOS.

    Because during the cmake phase I get

    CMake Error at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.19.4/share/cmake/Modules/FindCUDA.cmake:716 (message):

      1. umm I am stuck at this, just like you
        ethminer 0.19.0-alpha.0
        Build: darwin/release/appleclang

        Unrecognized platform Apple
        Error: No usable mining devices found

        But how do i whilelist my Radeon Pro 560 4GB, sorry for the stupid question, I am new to mining

  2. Hi, great work! Is there any way to have a pre-compiled version? I’ve downloaded the code from github but I got lost right after, as I don’t know how to compile it. Sorry, total noob with code 😅

  3. Sorry but the precompiled version for me after download is not launching:
    zsh: unknown file attribute: 1
    Any idea ?

      1. No, it doesn’t! 🙂 macOS is abandoned by developers. Having a 2018 Macbook Pro and checked it carefully. It seems to be that some tweaks to the code should be made. Updated hunter config can be reused from your commits.

      1. Hi, I tried starting your binary on my MacPro but it gives me errors; dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
        Referenced from: /Users/sebastiaanbethlehem/Downloads/ethminer (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0) probably yours only works on macOS 11 then or am I missing something?

  4. Something is not right. That hashrate doesn’t make sense. My guess is that the problem has to do with the miner thinking it is an Intel GPU when adjusting its parameters. Coincidentally, my Intel HD 630 gets the same hashrate…

    The M1’s OpenCL Geekbench score is 18291 while my Radeon Pro 560’s is 16448, but this one gets 6MH/s. The HD 630’s score is 5095 with 2MH/s.

    For this tests I have used your fork recompiled for x86.

    1. Ethereum mining (ETHash) is memory intensive. While dedicated graphics cards have fast GDDR5/6 memory, the M1 has LPDDR4X, with considerably less memory bandwidth, restricting performance.

      1. That makes some sense and explains part of the difference with the Radeon GPU. But still doesn’t explain how my LPDDR3, non “unified-memory” architecture, HD 630 gets the same 2MH/s while an Iris Plus 655 with also LPDDR3 memory gets 3MH/s.

        Shouldn’t the much faster M1 GPU get at least better results with LPDDR4X instead of LPDDR3?

  5. Hi, great work! After cd ./ethminer-m1-master/ethminer/, what should I do next? I tried ./ethminer –farm-recheck 2000 -S -O 0xB0515F735b6112bCdd5c6dE7aECD77fb4173Bc33, but that doesn’t work. Is there any misunderstanding for me?

  6. Apparently, the official ethminer no longer supports macOS. I do not have an M1 Mac, but your fork has the the Apple platform entries in it, so I thought I would give it a try on my MacPro (2013). I built from source and it seemed to all work okay.

    When I tried launching, It found my AMD OpenCL cards and started to initialize, but then it aborted after creating the buffers.

    % ./ethminer -P stratum2+tcp://:[email protected]:11024

    ethminer 0.19.0+commit.5b9b7814
    Build: darwin/release/appleclang

    i 14:07:46 Configured pool
    i 14:07:46 Selected pool
    i 14:07:46 Stratum mode : EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (NiceHash)
    i 14:07:46 Established connection to [[2600:1f14:e05:4800:efe4:80cb:5cbc:b08d]:11024]
    i 14:07:46 Spinning up miners…
    cl 14:07:46 cl-0 Using Device : Intel GPU 0.0 AMD Radeon HD – FirePro D700 Compute Engine OpenCL 1.2 Memory : 6.00 GB (6442450944 B)
    cl 14:07:46 cl-1 Using Device : Intel GPU 0.1 AMD Radeon HD – FirePro D700 Compute Engine OpenCL 1.2 Memory : 6.00 GB (6442450944 B)
    i 14:07:46 Extranonce set to fff2
    i 14:07:46 Authorized worker
    i 14:07:46 Epoch : 404 Difficulty : 717.64 Mh
    i 14:07:46 Job: 35ca623d… [[2600:1f14:e05:4800:efe4:80cb:5cbc:b08d]:11024]
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 Generating split DAG + Light (total): 4.16 GB
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 Generating split DAG + Light (total): 4.16 GB
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 OpenCL kernel
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 OpenCL kernel
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 Creating DAG buffer, size: 4.16 GB, free: 1.84 GB
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 Creating DAG buffer, size: 4.16 GB, free: 1.84 GB
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 Creating light cache buffer, size: 66.50 MB
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 Loading kernels
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 Creating light cache buffer, size: 66.50 MB
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 Loading kernels
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 Creating buffer for header.
    cl 14:07:50 cl-0 Creating mining buffer
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 Creating buffer for header.
    cl 14:07:50 cl-1 Creating mining buffer
    zsh: abort ./ethminer -P

    Any idea what might be happening?

    1. I have the same Mac Pro 2013
      Can you let me know how did you compile and build? I got errors when linking.

      1. If I use Bootcamp windows, ethminer doesn’t really work neither. Only lolMiner works, so maybe we need to compile lolMiner.

      1. @amorajaber5739 The official one won’t work on Catalina or later MacOS. Due to Apple dropped support for OpenCL

  7. Hi yifan, I got “Socket write failed : Operation not permitted” on this patch, even run as sudo, not sure what happened. Could you help me find what is going on?

    ethminer 0.19.0+commit.5b9b7814
    Build: darwin/release/appleclang

    i 15:44:26 Configured pool
    i 15:44:26 Selected pool
    X 15:44:26 Socket write failed : Operation not permitted
    i 15:44:26 Connection remotely closed by
    i 15:44:26 Disconnected from
    i 15:44:26 No connection. Suspend mining …
    SIGSEGV encountered …

  8. I admire the patience people have when they reply to people that literaly put no effort into helping themselves. Like come on guys if you dont know the basic of linux then maybe you should start with that and then think about mining.

    Denied access …. hummm Sudo maybe ?
    Double click nothing happens ….. hum make it executable …

    like I dont want to be rude but the people who ask these question dont have respect in my opinion because when you ask a question like this youre literaly saying that your time is more valuable then mine because instead of trying to find yourself the answer you came here typed in your problem and waited for it to be solved.

    At least if the problem you were facing were somewhat complex or specific to mining I would understand but come on if you dont even know how to turn on your computer maybe you should go mine with a real pic axe and smash it right in your new mac.

  9. A week later, 24×7, nothin’. Perhaps I need to tweak something instead of using the pre-compile.

  10. I’m trying to build with an Intel Mac with an AMD GPU

    I’m pretty sure I’m doing the right thing on my build.
    However, I’m getting a 403 error on the BOOST program unable to download it. Would you be able to update the project.


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