sparsebundle-fuse: Another Implementation for Reading / Writing MacOS Sparsebundles on Linux

There are already a sparsebundle implementation for Linux, but that’s read-only and only supports FUSE. This implementation is read / write, AND supports NBD (network block device) so the sparsebundle actually appears as a block device on the system, without you needing to loop mount the file in FUSE. There are some useful things that… Continue reading sparsebundle-fuse: Another Implementation for Reading / Writing MacOS Sparsebundles on Linux

DIY $10 Slack Notification Light

[youtube] While being isolated at home, my company uses Slack more heavily than ever, and that Slack chime is starting to get old. What if there’s a physical light that can notify me instead? I have a Smoko ambient light and a few of Digisparks lying around screaming “use me!”. So I started the… Continue reading DIY $10 Slack Notification Light