Crossing the Mixed Content Boundary: abusing STUN/TURN as a Communication Channel

TL;DR: You can send and receive data using TURN by encoding data into username and IPv6 UDP address. Say that you have a HTTPS website. Modern web safety forbids it from accessing insecure parts of the network using HTTP. This is usually not an issue, since signing a HTTPS certificate for a website is fairly… Continue reading Crossing the Mixed Content Boundary: abusing STUN/TURN as a Communication Channel

IPv4 Network Address Translation for Steam (NAT4S)

TL;DR – I made Steam multiplayer possible with classic LAN games through a project called PartyLAN. It enables network address translation (NAT) between IPv4 and Steam IDs. Network address translation (NAT) is not an obscure concept – it has been in use since 1994. The basic idea is simple: a router, either software or hardware,… Continue reading IPv4 Network Address Translation for Steam (NAT4S)

sparsebundle-fuse: Another Implementation for Reading / Writing MacOS Sparsebundles on Linux

There are already a sparsebundle implementation for Linux, but that’s read-only and only supports FUSE. This implementation is read / write, AND supports NBD (network block device) so the sparsebundle actually appears as a block device on the system, without you needing to loop mount the file in FUSE. There are some useful things that… Continue reading sparsebundle-fuse: Another Implementation for Reading / Writing MacOS Sparsebundles on Linux

The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 4 – the Frontend

The only part missing was a front-end. It is 2017, and splitting up front-end and back-end is now a must. This is even more true in this project: serving html and other resources from my free Heroku server does not sound like a good plan – with only 1 web instance, the server can be… Continue reading The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 4 – the Frontend