The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 3 – the Server

So the sniffer part was complete. The server was the missing piece of the puzzle. The server needs to do several things Receive data from the sniffer and decrypt Save sniffed data (probe requests) to a database Analyze probe requests and deduce occupancy Provide public APIs for retrieval of occupancy information I’m using python3 for… Continue reading The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 3 – the Server

The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 2 – the Sniffer

So I proved that this idea is somewhat feasible. There were two major problems that need to be addressed: 1. there were too many probe requests, 2. there needed to be some way to send found devices back to a server. The “too many probe requests” problem was easy to fix. I implemented a bloom… Continue reading The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 2 – the Sniffer

The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 1 – the Idea

So… Here’s a problem that most CMU students encounter on a daily basis: finding someplace to study. This process is surprisingly labor intensive: Here’s an example: You decided to find some place to study. You walk to Sorrells Library in Wean, and it was full: after the recent renovation the library has become one of… Continue reading The Making of the Library Occupancy Estimation System, Part 1 – the Idea